Union Studio
"Your expertise, creativity, and forceful advocacy of the public’s interests in the negotiation resulted in a deal that saved the City millions of dollars in publicly funded improvements, set staged land sale pricing that would improve as the development market recovers, locked in requirements to fulfill the community’s vision and maximized flexibility and control in the relationship with the private master developer...”
Al Coby, City Manager, Pensacola, FL
Thaddeus Cohen, Community Development Director, Pensacola, FL
“Abramson & Associates provided financial feasibility analyses and development strategies for major downtown projects that were far more incisive than anything I have seen produced by other economic development or real estate consultants. Barry gave our projects his sustained personal attention and… when his work was concluded, we understood our projects’ feasibility from both the municipal and private development perspectives with analyses and strategies that were grounded in real world commerce, wise to the politics of municipal decision making, and which provided a common sense approach for moving forward.”
Joyce Moss, AICP, Executive Director
Natick Center Associates, Natick, MA
Goody Clancy
Downtown Waterfront Redevelopment, Newburyport, MA - On behalf of the Newburyport Redevelopment Authority, and in cooperation with City, provided analysis, programming, and strategic planning of redevelopment of underutilized 4-acre downtown waterfront property. Provided evaluation of site capacity and market and financial potential/feasibility for alternate uses, mixed-use development programming and land utilization options, and costs and benefits (including potential disposition and tax revenues and their ability to pay for park improvements and replacement public parking deck), and implementation and public engagement strategies. Identified needs for specialized input and collaborated with design, engineering, cost estimation, legal, and permitting professionals and redevelopment authority to better prepare site to be marketed for development and prepared RFP solicitation for project estimated to entail 70,000 SF of private residential and commercial development plus $5 million of public improvements.

Union Studio

Union Studio
Newton Centre Triangle Parking Lot Redevelopment, Newton, MA - On behalf of City, evaluated potential revenue generation from possible development on the Newton Centre Triangle parking lot. Evaluation entailed: review of zoning and past planning, assessing practices, real estate market, construction and development costs, and other financial considerations, and determination of site capacity, appropriate use programming, and financial feasibility analysis to indicate reasonable ranges of supportable land disposition and property tax revenues that could be anticipated to be generated by private development, preliminary input on potential cost of public open space improvements, bond financing and other funding sources, fiscal implications, and implementation.

Mongkol Tansantisuk
Medford Square, Medford, MA - On behalf of MassDevelopment and City of Medford, and in association with architect Gamble Associates, evaluated development potential and conceptual planning for key City-owned parcels for mixed-use redevelopment for 200+ residential units and commercial in Medford Square and provided strategic input on development RFP.

Gamble Associates

Gamble Associates
Paragon Mills Redevelopment, Providence, RI - Assisted Olneyville Housing Corporation/One Neighborhood Developers, a community development corporation, in acquisition and redevelopment of 120,000 SF mill complex for $40+ million project for private and non-profit offices and incubator space. Provided market and financial analyses and programming guidance, financing explorations and packaging, coordination with design/engineering, construction, legal team, negotiation of purchase and sale agreement for building acquisition and assistance in negotiation of anchor tenancy and exploration and structuring of financing integrating New Markets and federal and state historic tax credits and other sources.

Durkee Brown Viveiros
Community Maritime Park, Pensacola, FL - Assisted Community Maritime Park Associates (CMPA), a non-profit developer comprising prominent business and civic leaders, in acquisition and predevelopment of a 30-acre site on downtown waterfront for park, multi-use ballpark, maritime museum, and over 300,000 SF of private mixed-use retail/restaurant, office, residential, and hotel development. Assisted in preparing successful proposal in response to City RFP, development programming, evaluating site capacity, market and financial feasibility, supportable land value, real estate taxes and TIF revenues, and negotiating master lease and development agreement including $40 million of public financing. Subsequently, engaged by City to evaluate a proposed master lease and development agreement between CMPA and private developer to implement the project by means of construction of public improvements and long-term staged disposition and development of private project components. Based on evaluation, was engaged to assist City and CMPA in renegotiating the master lease resulting in significant improvements in cost-efficiency of contracted public improvements, enhanced disposition terms and fulfillment of planning objectives for private development, and greater control and flexibility in CMPA’s master lease relationship with master developer.

Urban Design Associates

Charles Street Jail Redevelopment, Boston, MA - On behalf of Partners Healthcare, evaluated market and development potentials, institution-related program options, and strategies for development for major hospital-owned urban property to accommodate over 500,000 SF of mixed-use residential, hotel, office, retail and/or other development at the MassGeneral Hospital campus in Boston.

Multiple Redevelopment Evaluations and Strategies, Natick Center, MA - On behalf of the City and Natick Center Associates, provided evaluation and strategy for multiple public parking, armory and other sites in and near Natick Center for reuse and new development of transit-oriented mixed-use residential and commercial development and expanded public-parking.

Goody Clancy

Goody Clancy
Sewall School and Town Garage, Brookline, MA - On behalf of Town and working group of community interests, evaluated market, development potentials and fiscal and economic impacts and assisted in formulating development and disposition strategies for 2.5 acre site occupied by Sewall School and Town Garage for approximately 60,000 SF of private development (new and rehab) of residential, senior housing, office, medical office, retail and other uses, geared to achieving a balance of financial and other community objectives. Assisted Town in RFP preparation, culminating in disposition and development of Kendal Crescent, a mixed-use project including 31 residential units.

Motor Mart Garage Retail/Restaurant Redevelopment, Boston, MA - Provided strategic and implementation assistance to property owner for +40,000 SF retail component of downtown Boston property. Analyzed potentials and formulated releasing and redevelopment strategy. Provided assistance in assembling leasing agent, architect, and contractor and assisted in lease negotiations. Retail component was redeveloped with restaurant theme anchored by Legal Seafood.

Land Redevelopment, Watertown, MA - On behalf of private property owner, provided highest and best use analysis entailing development capacity, market and financial feasibility for alternate uses and building typologies and magnitudes of development for underutilized property. Presented implications of proposed zoning changes to town to guide refinement of final zoning to be more conducive to development and realization of town policy objectives and formulated a strategy integrating expanded property holdings for a 250,000 SF mixed-use residential and commercial project with structured parking to create substantially greater value than originally anticipated by client.
Downtown Site Redevelopment, Seacoast Region, NH - On behalf of a private educational institution, evaluated redevelopment potential of underutilized downtown property for alternative mixed-use programs for residential, commercial, hotel, and institutional, including strategies for public-funding participation and disposition through land lease.